Foster Stained Glass has successfully executed thousands of restorations and stained glass repair projects over the decades. The singular expertise of founder Rob Foster, his son Quint Foster and their staff, in addition to the studio's facilities, allow Foster Stained Glass to perform the most complex of jobs, as well as those of any size and scale. Each project receives passionate dedication and minute attention to detail to ensure the highest quality stained glass window possible.

These windows were badly damaged by a vandal. Many pieces were completely missing, and many more were broken.
After the window is carefully removed and transported to the studio, the old rebar is removed and a pattern is made of the window using carbon paper.
Carlos has began disassembling the window, piece by piece. The surrounding lead is cut, the piece carefully removed and then cleaned.
Part of the window removed from the lead and placed on the pattern.
Each piece that needs to be replaced is recut according to a paper pattern.
The Ascension window, with all the new pieces recut and ready to be painted. The new pieces are easily distinguished by their lack of paint and dust.
Scott puts the final touches on one of the new faces. He painted several with different paints and different layers to determine the best way to replicate the style the original painters used. Each piece will go through several firings in the kiln and several layers of paint before it is complete.
Once the painting is complete Michael puts the window back together with new lead. He taps each piece gently with a rubber hammer to make sure it has a tight fit.
Carlos uses a brush to force a special putty in between the lead and the glass, both ensuring that there is no room for the piece to move as well as making the window waterproof.
The window has had new rebar attached to it. Each piece is steel, soldered to the window to stabilize it, preventing flex and sag.
Rob, Michael, and Heather lift a restored window back into its frame.